How do I simply take care of my skin?
Having beautiful skin, we all dream of it! What beauty routine to have? Which products to choose? The right things to do? We tell you everything!

My skin is dull, how can I restore its radiance?
Not to be confused with the loss of tan associated with the winter season, a dull complexion really gives off a bad appearance: the naturally rosy color of the cheeks disappears and it's as if the skin lost its glowy appearance.
Some tips to help you restore radiance to your skin:
- Do you live in a polluted environment? Invest in an anti-pollution spray to put on every morning after your make-up! A simple little gesture to protect your skin from external aggressions and limit the accumulation of dead cells that gives a dull complexion
- You smoke ? The best solution is to stop or at least reduce your tobacco consumption. Your complexion will thank you for favoring patches, nicotine chewing gum or even electronic cigarettes to start with.
- Not getting enough sleep? It is at night that the skin regenerates the fastest, because the rate of cell multiplication is at its maximum there. Sleep accelerates blood flow and collagen synthesis, both responsible for skin radiance.
- You don't play sports? Sport, by increasing the heart rate, accelerates blood circulation, including in the face. It is thanks to this pretty reddish tint during intense activities that your skin is oxygenated and quickly renewed.
- You do not have a healthy and balanced diet? What you eat has (unsurprisingly) a key role in the glow of your complexion. It is important to focus on fruits and vegetables! For what ? Because they are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants and other essential contributions!
- Do you take dietary supplements? If you haven't yet, you should! In addition to a healthy and balanced diet, they will allow you to supplement food intake and maximize their effects. They are also powerful sources of antioxidants or vitamins, with a precise dosage they can meet specific needs.
How do I properly prepare my skin for the sun?
Here are your best allies for a soft, uniform and safe tan for your skin, which you can find in your diet, but also in dedicated food supplements.
Carotenoids , such as beta-carotene or lycopene. These are rather orange and yellow pigments, easily assimilated by the body! These pigments have several benefits, including that of collecting light.
Copper , a trace element that helps produce melanin (pigment that protects the skin from the sun).

Why is it so important to prepare your skin for the sun? Quite simply to prevent allergies, which are called summer lucites. They appear during exposure to the sun and affect 10% of the population, mainly women.
Preparing your skin for the sun is important to protect it, but it will never replace appropriate sun protection during each exposure! So how do you choose the sunscreen that suits your skin? Sunscreen manufacturers highlight different levels of existing protection which range from 5 to 50.
- SPF 50 index for people with very fair skin with or without freckles and blond or red hair (Phototype 1 and 2)
- SPF index between 30 & 50 for people with fair skin and blond or brown hair (Phototype 3)
- SPF 30 index for people with dark skin and brown or brown hair (Phototype 4)
- SPF index between 15 & 30 for people with dark or black skin (Phototype 5)
Note: it is important to pay attention to the time of exposure since depending on the time of day, the UV index varies and the sun's rays can be more virulent and attack the skin more aggressively. For example in summer between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Also remember to exfoliate your skin regularly, drink plenty of water, and moisturize your skin regularly.

I am 28 years old and I already have wrinkles that appear, how do I reduce them?
A good beauty routine is the key to preventing the appearance of wrinkles from an early age, to be adapted according to your skin type and its needs. If you want to act directly on your wrinkles, you should focus on certain ingredients, which you can find directly in food supplements:
- Hyaluronic acid which promotes the production of collagen and elastin
- Evening primrose oil which promotes suppleness and radiance.
- Borage oil that promotes regenerating and restorative hydration
Menopause gives me pimples, is that normal?
Hormones play an important role in causing acne, and the hormonal changes that take place during menopause are no exception to this rule. During this period, the amount of estrogen drops while androgen hormones such as testosterone are present in greater numbers, which can cause the appearance of pimples. Do you encounter this problem? We advise you to turn to natural and hormone-free solutions to fight against the inconveniences of menopause, while helping to maintain the beauty of your skin.
Ideally, these products should be rich in: Borage Oil, Omega 3 and Antioxidants
How do I recognize my skin type?
Normal skin : smooth, non-shiny, non-porous appearance, without imperfections and without feeling of tightness
Dry skin : smooth, non-shiny, non-porous appearance, without blemishes, but with a constant feeling of tightness and sometimes small bits of peeling skin.
Oily skin : shiny appearance, dilated pores, imperfections, often thicker and less sensitive to external aggressions.
Combination skin : all of the characteristics mentioned above, which do not necessarily all appear at the same time
Please note that with the seasons and hormonal changes, your skin's needs may change over time, this is completely normal. So be sure to adapt your skincare routine if you feel it drier in winter or oilier in summer, for example.

I can't get rid of my dark circles… Do you have any tips?
For many, dark circles necessarily rhyme with a lack of sleep. It's true but not only. The first factor responsible for dark circles is blood and lymphatic circulation! The color under your eyes, which depends in particular on the thickness of your skin there, will intensify with poor blood circulation: the blood stagnates there. There is also the space that separates the skin under the eyes from that of the wings of the nose which is caused to swell when the lymph circulates badly. We then have dark circles that are not attributable to a color but to a shadow, caused by poor lymphatic drainage.
Some tips to regulate your blood and lymphatic circulation:
- Get real nights sleep
- Have a healthy and balanced diet
- Practice regular physical activity
- Drink plenty of water and draining infusions
- Tap dark circles from the inside out with each application of your care
- Use jade stone rollers previously left in the refrigerator
- Also consider suitable food supplements, combining active ingredients recognized for their effectiveness on circulation problems: Grape, lemon and blackcurrant seed extracts which contribute to good venous and lymphatic circulation. The red vine that promotes venous return. Selenium helps protect cells against oxidative stress.

Are there massages to make the skin more radiant?
Closely linked to blood circulation, skin radiance can be improved through massage. For an anti-aging effect, we recommend that you try facial yoga which is practiced with bare hands and which has the effect of working and refining the muscles of the face. For those with swollen skin, we invite you to invest in a jade stone roller or a gua sha. The movements to be made: from the inside to the outside of the eyes, from the mouth to the cheeks, along the jaw to the ears and down the neck. The trick: leave your tools in the fridge overnight for an even more lifting effect!

14 simple (and effective) gestures to take care of your skin
- Integrate into your routine a intake of food supplements rich in borage oil and evening primrose oil to maintain the beauty of the skin by promoting suppleness and radiance.
- Cleanse your face with a product suited to your skin type (micellar water, cleansing milk or oil)
- Wash your face with a gel or foam morning and evening to remove impurities
- Exfoliate once or twice a week to deeply cleanse your face, then apply a mask (moisturizing to restore radiance or purifying for oily skin)
- Eat a healthy and balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, sources of antioxidants, while limiting your alcohol consumption
- Drink water, at least 1.5 liters a day to hydrate your skin
- Stop smoking to stop looking gray
- Protect your skin well from the sun by using an index 50 sunscreen
- In your daily beauty routine, use a serum then a cream adapted to your skin
- Apply your products with a few simple gestures to promote circulation
- Dab your eye cream from the inside out of the eyes
- Apply an anti-pollution spray in the morning
- Avoid touching your skin without washing your hands
- Dry pimples with suitable lotions