Fatigue, lack of energy… How to regain tone and vitality?
Are you exhausted? Do you lack energy? Zoom on our tips and tricks to find (quickly) your pep!
I sleep very badly, how can I improve my sleep?
To put the odds on your side and have a good night's sleep, there are a few good habits to adopt
- No sport in the evening, except gentle stretching
- No screen 1 hour before going to bed to avoid blue light, prefer a good book
- No hot bath at night
- No overheated room, it is better to sleep cool
- Don't eat dinner too early before bed so you don't wake up hungry, but not too late to have time to digest. The ideal is to have dinner 2 or 3 hours before going to bed.
Tired all the time… Help me regain my energy!
The less we do, the less we do... And it also works in the opposite direction. To regain energy, physical activity is your best friend.

- Start by getting into the habit of walking more to get around or taking more walks. The WHO recommends taking 10,000 steps a day and most of us are far from that. However, walking is invigorating and helps to get out of this downward spiral.
- Second tip: listen to music you love , and loud if possible. Indeed, music is a natural stimulant and when you listen to it, your brain secretes more dopamine and norepinephrine, the hormones responsible for concentration and excitement.
- Choose meals that are light and easy to digest . We tend to eat more than we should when we are tired because we "need sugar" but the opposite effect occurs, because your body will have to spend the little energy you have for digestion. We call nutritional density the index which measures the content of a food in micronutrients essential to health, in relation to its energy content. This index is expressed in g/100 kcal. If micronutrient intake is low relative to the energy it provides, then nutrient density is low. We therefore recommend that you favor foods rich in vitamins or minerals. If necessary, you can integrate suitable food supplements rich in multivitamins and minerals into your routine.

What to eat to find the fishing?
LIGHT and healthy.
Citrus fruits for vitamin C, nuts and fish for concentration, broccoli, avocado… Foods rich in vitamins that you can accompany with food supplements that are also rich in revitalizing active ingredients.
In winter for example, when there are fewer sources of vitamins in food, think of acerola: a very important source of vitamins, minerals but also antioxidants. As much as possible, eliminate processed foods, sugar and replace pasta and rice with whole foods or quinoa, without overdoing it! You can also boost yourself with 100% natural "boost" active ingredients of course, such as ginseng, which contributes to the balance of the body on a daily basis. Or Guarana, a real source of energy which contributes to the support of intellectual alertness and the reduction of mental fatigue.
Right now I'm knocked out and I don't want anything… Any advice on how to fix it?
First, know that you are not alone. And many people go through diet cuts. To get back in the saddle, we advise you to do things you enjoy and take time for yourself. For example: spending a 1 p.m. night, spending your Sunday taking care of your skin or hair or even seeing friends, it's up to you.
The idea is to reconnect with the feeling of pleasure by doing things that make you feel good every time, so that your brain remembers that there is another state than the one you are currently in.
I no longer have any energy and I'm taking everything badly… Am I burning out?
Burnout is not as common as the media seems to suggest. The term, very fashionable for a few years, is quite overused, since it concerns only 0.2% of the French population each year.

The signs ?
Months or even years of exhaustion, anxiety, loss of self-confidence, irritability, reduced enthusiasm for work, sleep disturbances, physical ailments, etc. It is often confused with fatigue, stress, lack of serenity or energy… Phenomena that occur frequently; but for which there are accessible solutions at hand, in particular thanks to food supplements rich in multivitamins and minerals , to give you a boost! Breaks and a change of scenery do a lot of good and allow you to recharge your batteries. For them to be effective, leave your pro computer at home. On a daily basis, take care of yourself by focusing on ideal health hygiene: healthy food, sport and above all, get plenty of sleep every day!

Telecommuting knocks me out! Any tips for better organizing my day?
Applying a few simple rules can help you better live teleworking
- Separate the spaces : we eat in the kitchen, we sleep in our bed, we work at our desk. Each area must have its own function, otherwise the brain gets lost and does not know what to do when it is in this or that place. The worst mistake to make: working in bed. ·
- Get into good habits . For example, we forbid ourselves the telephone at our desk and in our bed before going to bed. It's hard at first, but very quickly the brain gets used to it and the craving disappears completely. It's these kinds of little habits that save you sleep time and productivity. ·
- We get ready every day as if we were going to work: formal clothes, make-up, shoes… You have to keep making the same efforts, even if it's very tempting to spend the day in pajamas. It is this change of atmosphere that puts you in condition for the day on the one hand, and which gives meaning on the other. You must make these efforts to give coherence to your days, because the brain forgets and after a few months, you will wonder what you are doing there. ·
- Force yourself to go outside every day . A good daily walk of at least thirty minutes is at least what the body needs to externalize the tensions that accumulate. Walking is also a moment of meditative contemplation that does a lot of good to the brain and makes you happier. So, on!
How to quickly regain energy?
By exercising!
Contrary to popular belief, a good sports session, even if it is difficult to envisage when you are exhausted, will act as a boost and give you energy for at least a day or two.

Sport accelerates the rhythm of functioning of the whole body and allows you to get out of this lethargic state which gives the impression of surviving your days. It is also responsible for the secretion of hormones such as endorphin, dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine, among others responsible for feelings of satisfaction, happiness, accomplishment and energy. The trick that works every time to get started: play your favorite playlist in the living room or the bathroom and let go completely! By doing basic cures : royal jelly, ginseng, acerola… So many revitalizing active ingredients that will restore your energy and morale!

10 tips to regain energy and vitality
- Put away your laptop at 8 p.m. and don't touch it all evening, no more!
- Dine light and avoid consuming sugar in the evening
- Go to bed early and plan a little bedtime reading. It will help you fall asleep
- Do sports (preferably in the morning) to fill up on endorphins!
- Laugh, a lot and often, surrounded by people you love
- Take your evening shower with less light
- Set an alarm clock early in the morning and do lots of things that make you feel good before you go to work
- Avoid consuming caffeine in the afternoon
- Hug your children, those around you. A real energy and morale booster!
- Take vitamins to replenish your energy and that meet your needs/problems. Ask for your doctor's opinion